Our story

Heartwell was born from my lifelong love of horses and my personal journey through healing. I’m Chantal Russell, and my love for horses began early, they captured my heart from the very beginning.

As a young girl, they were my joy and my sanctuary, embodying a connection that felt larger than life. I was mesmerized by their power, grace, and strength, but it was their big, gentle hearts that truly drew me in. Though life later took me on a different course to live in big cities, travel the world, run a business and raise a family, my love for horses and the bond we shared remained.

In those decades apart from horses, I fell into the hustle of our modern culture, often ignoring the wisdom of my body and heart. I was driven by productivity and the demands of life, losing touch with the intuitive connection I had once felt with both myself and the horses.

It wasn’t until I faced a pivotal moment years later—undergoing chemotherapy for cancer—that horses returned to my life in a profound way. During my health struggles, I discovered that these magnificent beings could provide insights to the healing and connection I was longing for. Their intuitive nature and gentle presence not only offered me comfort and strength, but also helped me remember who I truly was. I realized that my body had been speaking to me through my illness, and it was time to listen to its wisdom and guidance. It was during this transformative time that I attended my first equine-led healing session and experienced firsthand their incredible power to help us heal.

Since that time, I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery, learning what it truly means to be healthy. I discovered the importance of processing trauma and the profound impact of creating a resilient nervous system.

This exploration led me to reconnect with my soul, the essence of who I am and why I’m here. Through this journey, I’ve come to discover that true health is learning how to take care of and love every part of yourself, and embodying who you alone are here to be.

I am deeply committed to sharing this wisdom with others, guiding them to discover their own paths to wellness and reclaim their authentic selves.

At Heartwell, I am thrilled to combine my passions for wellness, nature, and the healing power of horses. I believe that these incredible beings are here to help raise our consciousness, awaken the sacred feminine, activate our emotional wisdom, and embody values of connection, reciprocity, and care; for ourselves, each other, and the earth. True healing happens in the heart, a deep well within us where all the love resides.

I invite you to join me at Heartwell, where you can experience a deeper sense of wellness through equine-guided and nature based practices. Together, we’ll explore the transformative power of horses as they guide us back to our hearts, helping us uncover the wisdom and healing that lies within.

Meet the Herd

At Heartwell, each horse in our herd has their own story, personality, and unique way of connecting, offering you wisdom and support in your journey. They have a remarkable ability to sense emotions and mirror what’s happening inside, creating moments of insight, healing, and connection. We can’t wait for you to meet them and experience the magic they bring to this work.

"My experience with Chantal and her horses has been uplifting and transformative. They have been pivotal in my journey thus far. I recommend wholeheartedly to go and connect with these beings both human and equine”

- Karen Paisley